This could possibly be exciting. A concert festival in Liberty State Park! So close, and yet a semi un-inspiring lineup. Yes who doesn't love Radiohead, Underworld, Chromeo, CSS, Girl Talk, and The Go! Team. But who does love paying $258 US dollars for three day access? Maybe me, maybe not. Anyhow, it's worth mentioning.
In the entire world, there are few things more refreshing and hysterical than the concept of ghost ridin' the whip. GHOST RIDE THE WHIP. WHAT A FUCKING RIOT.
Here's a video of someone's grandmother ghost-riding the whip (is the dash proper?). And just when you thought life couldn't get any better. It does.
Excuse me a second while I ghost ride the whip.
Damn, I've never seen someone ghost ride the whip with such flawless elegance.
Oh no, oh no you don't! Danny how dare you ghost ride that whip! This is the last straw for you mister!
Meanwhile, I'm all like baby, this is a brand new ride! We gotta ghost ride this whip is all I'm saying.
On a more serious note, I do wish life were like one long, riotous, ghost ride of the whip.. And upon reflection; it is.
I find this very interesting. Ever wonder where our idols get their samples from? Here's a taste. I did some investigative research. It checks out. Let me know if you can think of any others. I find this damn cool.
Check it out. Tonight at from 8:43 PM EST to 12:09 AM EST the moon will go through a full eclipse cycle. Lunar eclipses must be sacred. Either way, I'm totally into them.
Kanye is playing The Garden for his fancy and well illuminated (I hope) Glow in the Dark tour. He's playing with Lupe Fiasco, N.E.R.D., and even Rihanna (whoo hoo?). Anyhow, the presale is going on now though Ticketmaster. Tickets run from $49.50 - $149.50 US dollars (ouch). But, I guarantee those prices will be a 1/4 of the ticket price once scalpers get their greedy hands on the seats.
Today marks my 23rd birthday. And it also marks (INTER)NATIONAL FREE PANCAKE DAY FROM IHOP! One free short stack per customer per iHop. They just ask that you donate to the local children's hospital. They hope to raise $750,000 US dollars with free pancakes. Brilliant.
I love pancakes. I LOVE iHop. I love free shit. I love children. I'm on my way.
Go here for more info on free pancake day:
1. Aerodynamic (The Jonatron Remix) - Daft Punk 2. Human After All (The Sabastian Remix) - Daft Punk 3. It's The Beat - Simian Mobile Disco 4. Love Don't Let Me Go (Walking Away) (Famous Radio Edit) - David Guetta vs. The Egg - David Guetta 5. Genesis Squared (Genesis vs. Justice) - Hood Internet 6. That' My DJ - Girl Talk 7. Let's Make Love and Listen to Daft Punk (Commissioner Tech Mashup) - Daft Punk vs. CSS 8. Strict Machine (We Are Glitter mix) - Goldfrapp 9. Tenderoni (MSTRKRFT Remix) - Chromeo 10. Music (Deep Dish Remix) - Madonna 11. Some Cut Like a Knife (Thrillville feat. Cutty vs. The Knife) - Hood Internet 12. Beautiful Girls in Magic Positions (Sean Kingston vs. Patrick Wolf) - Hood Internet 13. Say Hello (Extended House Mix) - Deep Dish 14. Face to Face/Harder Better Faster Stronger - Daft Punk (Alive 2007) 15. One More Time/Aerodynamic - Daft Punk (Alive 2007) 16. In The Morning - Junior Boys 17. Digital Love - Daft Punk 18. Birthday Song - Chris Trapper
Tonight marks an historical event. The first International Dance Party hosted by me, DJ Shamsu. See you at midnight, wherever you happen to be. Don't forget the champagne.
OK, that's all well and good but who are we excited about? Kanye, Broken Social Scene, Death Cab, Rilo, Against Me!!, !!!, MIA, Gogol (obviously), Vampire Weekend, Battles, OAR, and B.B. King and Willie Nelson!!
Featured band of the lineup: Orchestra Baobab from Senegal (Afro-Beat/Jazz/Roots music)
On February 12th of 2008 at Midnight I celebrate 23 years on Planet Earth. 23 years of breath, of love, of friendship, of dance, of joy, of life. It’s remarkable that anyone is gifted with as many years of just-plain-awesome-living as I have been. This year, as I’m beginning to realize, more and more, just how sweet this life is, I want to give a little back to all of you, who mean the world to me. That’s where the idea of the International Dance Party comes in. *In this envelope there is a CD titled International Dance Party – Volume 1 that contains a secret track set.* Only I know it’s contents and I intend to keep it that way until 2/12/2008 at 12:00:00 AM. That’s when you come in. On 2/11/2008 at your convenience, gather together with as many people as you can fit in the space you’re in. Friends, family, pets, hell enemies, I ain’t care; as long as each and every one is primed to dance. Please prepare yourselves by drinking heavily and partaking in as many illegal substances as you dare (it is a party after all). Then at 12:00:00 AM EASTERN STANDARD TIME put on the CD, and uncork a bottle of champagne (non-alcoholic is fine for our AA friends). AND DANCE LIKE IT WAS THE LAST THING YOU’LL DO ON GOD’S GREAT EARTH.
The goal of this party/experiment is to have everyone I know and love around the world moving their hips in time, at the same time, to the same great beats. I understand with time differences it may be the middle of the day for some revelers, but God did create Korbel splits and iPod’s for a reason! And there’s no reason why your office shouldn’t have a mid-day dance party anyway. Play the set as loud as you can, dance as hard as you can—life’s way too short for wallflowers. And let’s celebrate our fucking awesome lives, together—sort of.
In Summation:
-DO NOT play the CD before 2/12/2008 12:00:00 AM EST (please? I made it for you after all, and it is my birthday, after all) -On 2/11/2008 obtain a bottle of champagne and a solid stereo system with a subwoofer (if possible) -Gather amongst friends and -Get wasted -At 12:00:00 AM Eastern Standard Time on 2/12/2008 play the cd and pop the cork. -D.A.N.C.E.
This year (that’s right, if all goes well this will be annual) we’ll have revelers in the following locales: International: Oaxaca City, Mexico, The U.K., New Zealand, France, West Africa, The Philippines, and India. Stateside: Long Island, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Colorado, New York City, Boston, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, New Paltz, Connecticut, Virginia, Minnesota, and New Jersey. Cool huh?
Cheers. DJ Shamsu
*If you do not already have the disc. Expect it this week.
My birthday cabin weekend final plans! Thanks to the generosity of a couple of wonderful people, the security deposit is finally down on our beautiful cabin. Here's all the vital information everyone needs to know:
-Friday Feb 8th - Sunday Feb 10th 2008. -$50 US dollars cash per person (up front, no bull) -There is an 18 person cap on the event (This means the first 18 people who hand me $50 us dollars cash are going, and anyone else is not going, and not welcome, sorry) -Everyone is responsible for bringing their own food and beverage for the weekend -I'm doing nothing in terms of planning for the weekend, plan amongst yourselves -If (God forbid) we lose any part of our security deposit everyone must make up the difference in cash. (And expect that I will murder everyone shortly thereafter) -The cabin is located two hours from NYC
Obviously call me for further information, cabin location, carpool ideas, photos, directions, the nine. Be excited.
(google image search results for our names) Tomorrow night (1.29.08) Greg and I are DJing at Lilly Flannigans in Babylon! Come out and support your local dance-party-uh-DJ-guys. 9:00 pm - 1:00 AM.
It's hard not to sound trite when writing about film. Pretty much everything has been said before, either about the film I just saw, or about any other film. If this 'review' lacks originality I must apologize.
But I'm thrilled to pieces. And even more thrilled to share it with you. I originally thought this film was directed by Guillermo del Toro (of El Laberinto del Fauno and Hellboy fame). In actuality it is directed by his good friend, Juan Antonio Bayona with Guillermo del Toro playing the role of producer.
The film takes viewers on an emotional voyage into a world full of fear, imagination, darkness, terror, and torture. A rare gem among the 'horror' and 'thriller' categories, the film will scare the pants off you, but also will leave viewers touched, teary-eyed, and warmed, through and through. This is accomplished with a deep but slow moving story of the love between a mother and son, and the fluidity of the past, present, and future. Like El Laberiento del Fauno, and really any film del Toro has added his magic touch to, viewers are immersed in a child's world complete with all the frills and intensely inspiring imagery expected from youthful imagination. And as always, del Toro and his entourage play with the lines between the world of the living and the world of dead in a way that makes viewers question reality.
Yes this film is in Spanish, yes you will be spooked (I clenched mike's hand throughout the film and more than once made the comment "So sorry, I have to be going, I just can't watch!" to myself), and yes you should see it before it leaves theaters. Moving, inspiring, terrifying, and visually stunning--I cannot wait to see more films by this brilliant director.
OK OK, Kara Walker is showing at The Whitney until February 3rd. SEE HER NOW.
C'mon for once just listen. Kara Walker, African-American artist, creates awesome 18th century style silhouette cut outs of black paper on a white background. Kara Walker will challenge every racial stereotype you've ever known and fuck with your little white mind. Go see this exhibition, I'm telling you you'll love it. Or hate it (probably hate it), but I bet she'll illicit a reaction.
Find out more about Kara Walker here: Find out more about her exhibition (My Compliment, My Enemy, My Oppressor, My Love) here:
Remember the exhibition ends February 3rd! That's so soon!
(Photo credit: Whitney American Museum of Art. Link.)
I'm most excited about: Spiritualized, Portishead, Justice, Gogol, Roger Waters playing Dark Side of the Moon (in a concert festival setting! my word!), Hot Chip, Chromeo, Sasha/Digweed, and of course M.I.A.
I'm even more excited that I'm unemployed. Why must the West Coast be so far away?
Buy extremely expensive Coachella tickets here (Jan 25 10:00 AM PST):
Life After People: A Special Two Hour Television Event from The History Channel
Welcome to Earth: Population 0
This shit's cool. Our friends at The History Channel have visualized and imagined the future or the world without any of us left. It's a lot like Tyler Durden's apocolypic vision of the world. Take a look:
Tyler Durden: "In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway."
Only The History Channel has used it's big budget status to make this visually come to life! I'm excited! Now we did miss the world premier because I don't believe in date books, but thank God for encores and dvds.
Life After People Encores: 1/23/08 at 8:00 PM 1/24/08 at 12:00 AM 2/2/08 at 5:00 PM
Find out more information about Life After People here: Buy Life After People on DVD here:
fuer • za • bru • ta \ f'where - zah - broo - tah \ 1: brute force 2: the new show from the creators of DE LA GUARDA 3: a 360° heart-pounding theatrical experience
Here's the e-mail I sent out to my network before ever even seeing the show (Dated Friday October 12th 2007): Hey Folks,
Recently I was told that the producers of De La Guarda ( were opening a new show in NY (thanks Hollis). With a bit of clicking and Googling I found Fuerzabruta! the newest production from the makers of the aforementioned De La Guarda. Many of you on this haphazardly assembled electronic mail list know me fairly well. That means you know I am a passionate person,especially when it comes to things i like to do/see/hear/enjoy. Well, I've yet to see Fuerzabruta! but I am giving it my 100% recommendation. If it means you have to take a weekend and travel to NYC exclusively to see this show do it. It will be worth every scent. I was lucky enough to see De La Guarda twice before it closed 4ish years ago. The show blew my mind, and the mind of every single person I took to see it. I could sit here and describe the show to you for pages and pages of text and you would still have not a single clue what to expect upon entering. With Fuerzabruta! I expect the same, if not better (as time ages the best things in the world). Expect a dance party, expect a mind altering theatrical experience, expect water, sex, tears, beats, rhythm, strobes, and confetti... better yet, enter expecting nothing. Just call me when those doors open onto Union Square and tell me how you feel.
The show runs 18 weeks only (when they say limited engagement they mean it). Tickets run $35 dollars before Oct24th and $70 dollars following. Rush tickets are available the day of performances for $25 dollars (line up early folks).
Forward this to people who care, and I'll see each and every one of you in Union Square.
Cheers, Joe
Now having seen the show, and planning to see it again, I agree with Joe from the past. Fuerzabruta will blow your mind. Blown. You will dance, and you will feel emotions never before felt from a theatrical experience. I've been a Broadway fanatic since I was 15 years old, and Broadway's got nothin' on Union Square right now. If you have $25 US dollars, go wait in line and enjoy yourself. You won't be disappointed, that I guarantee. But don't go in there expecting Phantom of the Opera either, give me a break, and be primed to dance and explode.
I know you wanna see the trailer, well who am I to deny?
Rush tickets go on sale two hours before curtain time, line up early folks. Real tickets cost $70 US dollars and are available here:
This is a VERY limited engagement that will end in June of 08.
King Britt is a sick ass DJ who spins crazy ambient? dance? electronica? hip-hop? (I guess) African/African-American/jazz/ninasimone/awesome music. He's Playing at The Estate this Friday. Go. I might come up for it (doubtful) but I really wish I could.
Below you'll find the trailer for the newest Disney/Pixar collabo (Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, A Bugs Life), Wall.E. Due out in Summer of 2008. I can't wait.
Ahhhh, now here's a nightspot I can get along with. A funky fresh facade leads to a colorful and friendly atmosphere. Pirates of The Caribbean pinball, $4.50 (US dollar) vodka tonics, and enough hipsters to keep even brooklynvegan happy. I think I'm in Love. There's also a Shi Tzu and a Pitbull to greet you, and I'm pretty sure they live at the bar (sick huh?). Go to Max Fish (but only when Bulgaria is closed).
Max Fish is located at 178 Ludlow Street btw Houston and Stanton Check out their website here: (it might not work)
Let me begin by saying I'm sorry. I'm sure Cafe Wha? means a lot to a lot of people, but I'll go right ahead and say it's one of the lamest night spots I've ever been to. Cafe Wha? comes off like it should be the chillest nightspot ever. A darkened basement, a fun funky live band, a history that could make Carnegie Hall blush (Hendrix, Dylan, Springsteen, Crosby, Prior, Velvet Underground to name a few have all graced it's darkened stage), plenty of dancing, and plenty of libations.
So you might be asking yourself "what seems to be the problem, joe?" well, let me fucking tell you. First we arrive and we're meeting people, the hostess is bouncing her twaty breasts to keep herself warm although I doubt she was anything less than cold-blooded. We let her know were meeting people and she says: "Ok go find them." OK. I then spy a sign on the door that reads "No unaccompanied gentlemen. Find a date." Now I'm sure this sign is 35 years old but fuck that! Fine, so we walk in and there's a lot going on. Dancing, band, servers, chaos. Were looking for our friends, obviously it's a mess. And we stop for a moment before the twaty hostess strikes again. KEEP MOVING. As if we were school children. Uh, OK, perhaps seat us? Lunatic? It is your fucking job. No big deal.
We're seated. Our server comes over and speaks to me about a two drink minimum. Now, I'm fasting so I make is clear that I'm not drinking. SORRY. Any other night I'll run a tab that will make P. Diddy blush (do black people blush?) but not tonight sorry Charlie. He "politely" explains that it's not optional, even for people fasting. I say Kristen will drink our minimum and he mumbles something about her not going to drink 6 drinks. Give me a break.
Our group is reunited before long. And the alcoholic bunch that we are, the minimum is drank almost instantly.
Now the time of the night comes for a smoke break. And we dash left and right to get to the door to find a bouncer blocking the door. He collects hall passes to smoke. "I'm sorry, you can't go outside. Find your server and get a pass" PERMISSION TO SMOKE PLEASE SIR? What the fuck? Can you imagine? I'm like "how about I light this smoke right here and you throw me out, and I never, ever come back."
So we send Alex back through the treacherous crowd to hunt down our server who gives him a pass. For 1. There are three of us trying to smoke. "I'm sorry, you can't go outside. You should have told your server it was for three." Well thanks for letting us know, it's only your full-time job.
Hello? Am I the only one who thinks this is utter Nazi lunacy? So Alex goes back through the crowd (what a guy) and secures us two more passes. All in all 20 minutes waiting to smoke a 45 second cigarette.
So the band keeps playing and everyone seems to be having a fun time despite the Nazi Lunacy. We decide a few hours later to move on.
Now, if you want to exit Cafe Wha? you need a receipt with a hand stamp from your server also to be presented to douche bag bouncer I-only-enforce-the-rules-never-question-the-lunacy-of-the-rules guy. Again, another 20 minutes wasted trying to exit the damn basement just to smoke a fucking cigarette and drink my damn lemonade sustenance. Is this legal?
Hey Cafe Wha? staff I have an idea. How about holding a fucking credit card and a fucking ID like every other drinking establishment in the world? I guarantee you'll get every tab paid AND you can fire that douche bag bouncer. And we can smoke, without seeking permission.
All in all, Cafe Wha? like so many other examples of NYC culture is gone. I'm sure these rules weren't in place when Bob Dylan was playing 35 years ago. And I'm also sure that every once of spirit that attracted these musicians to this night spot is also gone. It's a shame really. I won't be going back. I don't care how good the music was.
By far the best Christmas present I received was Ken Burn's THE WAR on DVD from mom and pop. Below is the extended 27 minute preview. The DVD is available for $79.99 US dollars from PBS.
This incredible documentary is 15 hours long and contains footage/photos/stories never before seen/heard/told in the history of the world. It tells the story of World War Two through the eyes of four solders from four different towns in the United States. The story is told by the men who fought the war. Ken Burns is brilliant. Brilliant. He received a standing ovation from a packed out audience in the Coolidge Corner theater in Boston (for the preview). The ovation included about 12 World War 2 veterans. Brilliant. I'll be watching it non-stop for the next few weeks so if you can't afford the $79.99 US dollars just call me.
I might say the only show I will not miss in the world is Daft Punk. But then also Explosions in the Sky too. The last time I saw Explosions I was with Spindler at the Middle East Downstairs in Cambridge and I cried from the opening note of Explosions' set to the closing note. PUSSY! But it's true; I get emotional. The first time I saw Explosions I was with Ms. Meghan Sennott and Sir Richard Gebbie, and Rich used his sweet talkin' British twang to get me a ticket to the long-before sold out show at The Bowery Ballroom. Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant.
If you don't listen to Explosions, get a life.
If you want to come with me to see them I've already secured myself a ticket to the 4/6/08 performance at The Crazy Donkey Rt. 110 FARMINGDALE baby.
How sweet is that? Your other option is to trek into NYC (the asshole of the universe) and see them at Terminal 5 (the asshole of live venues in the asshole of the universe). Terminal 5 holds 4500 hipsters. The Crazy Donkey holds 400 dedicated fans. You make the call. I'll be at the Donkey.
The show is ALL AGES and cost $13 US dollars in advance. $15 US dollars at the door. Check out Explosions in the Sky here: Buy tickets to the 4/6/08 performance here: CrazyDonkey
Today I begin my 11 day inner journey to a new cleansed being. HA! Well really, I'm just trying to detox after the holidays. And honestly, I need a good detoxing. This cleanse is very popular on the West Coast and has been around since the 70's. Stanley Burroughs is the author, and it was recommended to me by Monica, who claims that she radiated during, and for a month or so, after the cleanse. I start today and we'll see how long I last without eating. Or smoking. Or drinking. Or living, so to speak. Wish me luck!
Check out the Master Cleanser here: Or pick up The Master Cleanser book at your local bookstore. Stanley Burroughs baby.
Greg showed me a t-shirt he was wearing and mumbled something about Design By Humans. I got very excited and told him I'd be putting it on the blog. So here it is. Design By Humans is a company that, in their own words: " a place for people to submit, discover and buy amazing custom t-shirt designs created by artists from around the world. Based around an ongoing t-shirt design contest, all of the designs you see on Design By Hümans have been submitted by our community. Headquartered in Irvine, California, Design By Hümans officially launched in early July 2007."
The point: awesome custom t-shirts, unique, original. Relatively cheap prices, and if you sign up, you up get to vote on which designs make it to the printing stage.
I love the concept of this site and as soon as I secure myself a job, I will be investing in at least 5 of these wonderful artsy tees.
So I bought this awesome KidRobot fitted at my new favorite store in Boston. Check it on on Brighton Ave. It's called LAB and Kim is the owner. She's 24 years old. It's an event space. A gallery space. A fashion epicenter. And they sell vinyl and have turntables set up throughout. Visit, do it now. Now.
New Year's was sick. Duh. I'm DJing my first set with Gregory tonight at Kristen's Pajama Jam. Be there.
Yesterday Annabel made it clear that she had never before heard of I've been using Cafe Press for customized goods for at least 5 years. They are a wonderful company that allows any old person to make whatever they want available for sale on a website that you set up yourself. Need hats that read Foxxxy Grandpa? You can make it! Check out my merchandise websites below and set up your own shop through The possibilities are only as limited as your imagination.