Monday, February 4, 2008

The International Dance Party - 2.12.08 12:00:00 AM EST


On February 12th of 2008 at Midnight I celebrate 23 years on Planet Earth. 23 years of breath, of love, of friendship, of dance, of joy, of life. It’s remarkable that anyone is gifted with as many years of just-plain-awesome-living as I have been. This year, as I’m beginning to realize, more and more, just how sweet this life is, I want to give a little back to all of you, who mean the world to me. That’s where the idea of the International Dance Party comes in. *In this envelope there is a CD titled International Dance Party – Volume 1 that contains a secret track set.* Only I know it’s contents and I intend to keep it that way until 2/12/2008 at 12:00:00 AM. That’s when you come in. On 2/11/2008 at your convenience, gather together with as many people as you can fit in the space you’re in. Friends, family, pets, hell enemies, I ain’t care; as long as each and every one is primed to dance. Please prepare yourselves by drinking heavily and partaking in as many illegal substances as you dare (it is a party after all). Then at 12:00:00 AM EASTERN STANDARD TIME put on the CD, and uncork a bottle of champagne (non-alcoholic is fine for our AA friends). AND DANCE LIKE IT WAS THE LAST THING YOU’LL DO ON GOD’S GREAT EARTH.

The goal of this party/experiment is to have everyone I know and love around the world moving their hips in time, at the same time, to the same great beats. I understand with time differences it may be the middle of the day for some revelers, but God did create Korbel splits and iPod’s for a reason! And there’s no reason why your office shouldn’t have a mid-day dance party anyway. Play the set as loud as you can, dance as hard as you can—life’s way too short for wallflowers. And let’s celebrate our fucking awesome lives, together—sort of.

In Summation:

-DO NOT play the CD before 2/12/2008 12:00:00 AM EST (please? I made it for you after all, and it is my birthday, after all)

-On 2/11/2008 obtain a bottle of champagne and a solid stereo system with a subwoofer (if possible)

-Gather amongst friends and

-Get wasted

-At 12:00:00 AM Eastern Standard Time on 2/12/2008 play the cd and pop the cork.


This year (that’s right, if all goes well this will be annual) we’ll have revelers in the following locales: International: Oaxaca City, Mexico, The U.K., New Zealand, France, West Africa, The Philippines, and India. Stateside: Long Island, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Colorado, New York City, Boston, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, New Paltz, Connecticut, Virginia, Minnesota, and New Jersey. Cool huh?


DJ Shamsu

*If you do not already have the disc. Expect it this week.

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