Today I begin my 11 day inner journey to a new cleansed being. HA! Well really, I'm just trying to detox after the holidays. And honestly, I need a good detoxing. This cleanse is very popular on the West Coast and has been around since the 70's. Stanley Burroughs is the author, and it was recommended to me by Monica, who claims that she radiated during, and for a month or so, after the cleanse. I start today and we'll see how long I last without eating. Or smoking. Or drinking. Or living, so to speak. Wish me luck!
Check out the Master Cleanser here: MasterCleanser.com
Or pick up The Master Cleanser book at your local bookstore. Stanley Burroughs baby.
I'm SOOO proud of you for the cleanse!!! I have been thinking about doing one, too! Got any advice? Where to find the book (I cant find it at the library)
hey spindler, nice comment. well I got my copy at Borders. They had about 30 of them. If not there try your local health food store I guarantee they have it. cheers.
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